04 March 2009
Dreams, ambitions, hopes and expectations are triggers to make people work harder. Personally i do have dreams of my own. So many were left behind in the shadows of my past. Some are achieved but they are rather minor and insignificant compare to those i left behind. Now i still have a lot of dreams. Hoping it will come true before my last breath. I tried to live life with no regret but it seems very tough to live life that way. I put everything to make my dreams come to reality but at times it does seems very tough. Nearly gave up a few times as problems occurs much more often recently.
My life is not the same as before. I could not remember what happen before 5 years old but i can remember the when i was 5 i lived life with no worries, no regret, no fear, nothing but fun. When i reached the age of 7, its the 1st day i entered primary school. By that time i still do not know what is waiting ahead of me. I was having so much fun and life was wonderful that time. Out of suddden, my mom told me something about death and how i would survive with her death. I bursted out crying for the whole night. That event is still very clear in my mind and till today i still fears death, not mine but anyone other than me.When i was 10 i knew what it means to have trouble and when i was 11 i started having dreams.
When i reached secondary school, then again the life was fun again, with a little problems. Friends were the best company that time, doing everything together. Laughters were never ending. When form 4 i realize i m rather close to my dream. That was actually where i started working hard, maybe not hard but a little harder, for my dream. Now i am already few steps away from one of my dream but life is so difficult now. Those days during secondary school is still fresh in my mind. Those laughters i had once before were all gone. The weird thing is i start to enjoy being alone. Alone was never fun before but i guess human does change. As everyone getting matured, life becomes a little boring i guess.
07 February 2009
Back to MMU
The 1st misfortune that has bestowed upon me would be the change of timetable. Choo told me that there were amends in our timetable. I was not able to access the online system to get my timetable done. Till this very day online system is giving me headaches. Then during the 1st class of engineering graphics 2, the lecturer announce that the timetable has been altered. And then i saw my timetable was changed to monday night. That wasn't the end, soon the lecturer ask us to omit the group and follow the lab timetable. ARGH. This semester really giving me hell of a time. Not to mention that this semester's timetable mostly in the evening. Prefer morning classes when i can actually concentrate at least a little bit.
I think i can go on and on about things that i am not happy with but i think i should not do that as life is not always going the way we wanted it. I even contemplated suicide as a last resort but then i realize how stupid that idea was. Running away from problems is not what i use to do. I told myself that i must face problem bravely as there are no problems that can't be solved. I'll change what i can and accept what i can't change. For those who has been wondering if it is true that i live life with no regret, i would say i live my life with full of regrets. I am really hoping to live my life without any regret. Nobody is perfect and i m not perfect myself. In fact, i am way too far from perfect. I guess i am just plain lucky that i was blessed with all the people who love me so dearly.
15 January 2009
Irksome Holidays
This is a picture of my girlfriend.
Now, lets talk a bit about my friends. On my birthday, i asked a group of my ex-classmates, the brothers of 5SN, to join me for lunch at mp. We were wondering in the dawdling around the mall aimlessly. After all those 'tedious' walking, we decided to go home. I then asked another bunch of ex-classmates which actually consist of 2 people. We went for a drink and then they asked me to fetch them to a photo shop. I drove them there and when we reached the destination, i saw they entered a shop by the name of 'Italy Bakery'. I didn't know a bakery was actually a photo shop. They bought a cake for me actually and Doreen was telling me it is a surprise. I already knew they were going to buy a cake for me. Thanks a lot.
My present from my girlfriend. Tortoise.
02 January 2009
1st of all, it was the christmas eve and i m having a class in the morning. Such a sad thing man. I was in a holiday mood so i didn't concentrate at all in class. LOL. After class i went to mp and get some stuffs. Was planning to get some clothes for myself but then i realize i do not have much money with me. No choice loh. Just go for window shopping only loh. Then i went to starbucks. It was the 1st time ever i drank a coffee worth 15 bucks. Hahaha. Not bad loh. Special taste. Since some1 is treatig me to it, why not? LOL. Then i was shopping till almost night. I wanted to go portugese settlement for the countdown because i was invited by Eugene. However, due to some problems, i was not able to go. So i headed home and i reached home at 10 something. I did the countdown even when i m at home alone. Well, that is in my dream.
The next celebration was Jia Xin's birthday. Well, wats amazing is her birthday falls on the 1st of January. I did not know what to get for her so i ask her to choose her own present loh. She had choose a few thing for me to buy and i have to make the final decision. It took me quite some time to decide and finally i bought her something which is not too costly but most importantly, she likes it. She choose de ma.... takkan she dun like it. Haha. Did quarrel about what to eat. LOL. I really see some unexpected result. Although i did went through a tough time but yeah, the results are very good. Then Sherling come into the story. We went to Italy bakery to get Jia Xin a cake. Then brought her to Cosmo and let her blow the cake. After that, we went to dp. There are more but i lazy to type it out la.
Then i would like to write a little about new year loh. Well during new year eve, i was busy preparing for her birthday so i don't need to write much about it. I did not went to the countdown as well because i think the countdown is rather boring especially without friends around.
Here is a review of 2008:
-celebrated my birthday with friends
-celebrated mom's birthday
- finished my alpha year
-took mechanical engineering course
-lost a friend
-lost another friend but got her back as a friend
-celebrated 5 persons birthday on a same day
-found out that some1 is so special to me
-celebrated kx and ah pet's birthday.
My resolution for 2009
-being happy for the rest of my life
-bring happiness to people around me
-never do a thing that will cause me to regret
-get better results in academic aspect (wonder if this will happen)
-to care more about people's feelings
-be a better person for people around me.
-be a better person for my mom
-learn more chinese words.
-make more friends (very tough for me to do it)
Well, that is the end of my post. I would just hope that someone will be here with me celebrating all this celebrations. Too bad the person is not with me for these celebrations. I m thankful to all those who kept me company for my whole life. Life would have never be the same without u guys. Mom, thanks for everything u have given me. The most wonderful thing in my life is getting u as my mom. Love you.